Are structured compliance regulations requiring you to increase your logging capabilities?
By using our Snare Agents, we fully automate the collection of the system event logs and the application logs from the systems all in near real time.

Centralized Agent Management
Group Policy Support
Easy to Deploy
Affordable Long-Term Log Storage
Mitigate Non-Compliance Fines
Predictable Pricing
Encryption and Mutual Authentication
Compliance Reports Out-of-the-Box
Intelligent Alerting
Snare works closely with a large international North American Bank and has drastically improved their forensic and investigation capabilities across their ATM systems. As with many large banks they have thousands of ATM systems deployed around the country and internationally. All of these systems generate transactions daily both small and large. The problem with performing any form of forensic investigations is having timely and accurate access to all the information as well as the manual labour cost to do the investigations with the typically limited resources. Manual investigations can require a large amount of human resources to review all that data. So a new better automated solution was needed that could allow the bank to scale out its investigation capabilities…. Read More
For more information contact:
Phone: (720) 449-6226